In the mesmerizing project "777," FLY BOY JACK, the dynamic collaboration between Jordan Dennis and JUJO, unfolds a sonic journey that transcends the ordinary. Renowned for his powerful rhymes delivered with a flow smoother than silk, Jordan Dennis joins forces with JUJO, whose beats seem to defy gravity. The result is nothing short of magical.

These trailblazers are no strangers to the scene. Jordan Dennis has already amassed an astounding 18 million global streams with his solo work, and JUJO has collaborated with Australian music heavyweights such as Dallas Woods, Ivan Ooze, and Sophiya. FLY BOY JACK has received praise from prominent outlets like Triple J, Red Bull, and Complex. Not to mention, being featured as cover stars on coveted Spotify playlists such as New Music Friday, The Local List, and The Drip. It's been a remarkable journey thus far... and it’s just getting started!

In "777," they meld melodic flows and lyrical brilliance, creating a sonic universe that is uniquely their own. As you step into FLY BOY JACK's universe, be prepared to embark on a musical odyssey where boundaries are blurred, and genres seamlessly blend.

'777' isn't merely an album; it's a grand narrative depicted in a comic book-style adventure. These artists are not just crafting music; they are painting a vivid tale of triumph and resilience. Jordan Dennis and JUJO invite you to witness their cosmic voyage through the world of FLY BOY JACK as they navigate the galaxy, employing their talents to battle malevolent forces. The track "Keep Going" serves as the inaugural chapter of this saga, hinting at the challenges ahead with more revelations yet to come. Brace yourself for an immersive experience as "777" unfolds—a journey that extends an invitation to all, promising a thrilling exploration of creativity, innovation, and the indomitable spirit of FLY BOY JACK.




Subnet 'Out The Tape'